- It provides an opportunity for experiences professionals to obtain a master’s degree in Business.
- Executive MBA (EMBA) students are required to complete their degrees in two years or less.
- To ensure optimum benefits to participants of executive MBA and the sponsoring organisations, class size and class structure facilitate close interaction between faculty and participants
- Programme costs are modest in comparison to the benefits yielded. In the majority of cases, their employers sponsor students fully, or in part.
- Courses offered in an Executive MBA programme are normally the same as those taught in traditional MBA programs – accounting, finance, statistics, management, marketing and information systems. However, Executive MBA courses are enhanced by the extensive professional experience of the participants and are uniquely structured to teach a maximum amount of course material in an accelerated timetable. In addition, senior faculty experienced in teaching and consulting are employed as principal instructors. Once all coursework is satisfactorily completed, a Master of Business Administration ( MBA ) degree or equivalent is awarded.
- A number of factors are considered in selecting candidates for an Executive MBA programme. In most cases, each applicant is evaluated on his or her own professional performance, academic records, GMAT scores, professional recommendations, and a demonstrated ability to accomplish graduate-level business coursework. Most Executive MBA students enter a programme with ten or more years of professional and/or managerial experience. An undergraduate degree is generally required, though it need not be a degree in business. Evaluation of students for admission to an Executive MBA programme is a very individualised process. While test scores, grade point averages and other objective criteria are all considered, a prospective student’s background, work experience, career goals, desire to succeed and numerous other factors are considered in making an admission decision.
- Over the course of the programme, at least 15-20 hours each week should be allotted for some combination of classroom work, computer and research efforts, and course assignments. Added to the already heavy demands of a business career, the time involved in pursuing an MBA is considerable and requires a high level of motivation and commitment. The burden is eased by the support of other students and by the assistance of the Executive MBA programme staff.

Monday, August 27, 2007
Executive MBA Programme
- Of the IIT , three have already been cleared and one IIM at Shillong has recieved the green signal.
- The plan envisages the setting up of 30 central universities. One central university will be located in each of the 16 uncovered states, while 14 new will come up in states which provide land free of cost and in attractive locations. These universities will have various schools including medical and engineering institutions.
- Also, 370 new degree colleges in districts with low gross enrolment ratio would be established and 6,000 colleges would be strengthened.
- In the field of technical education, there will be the expansion and upgradation of 200 technical institutions in various states. There is a plan to upgrade seven technical universities which include Bengal Engineering College, Howrah, Cochin University of Science & Technology, Andhra University Engineering College, Institute of Technology BHU and Zakir Husain College of Engineering & Technology, Vishakapatnam, University Engineering College, Osmania University, Jadavpur University, MU. Apart from the eight IIT s and seven IIM s, also planned are five Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research, two Schools of Planning and Architecture, 20 National Institutes of Technology, 20 Indian Institutes of Information Technology IIT and 50 centres of training and research in frontier areas.
- IIM & IIT have strong position in the plan .
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Prepare For CAT
Usually CAT consists of following sections:
Reading Comprehension
D.I. & Data sufficiency
Verbal Ability
Quantitative Ability
The number of questions asked in CAT is normally not fixed & can vary from year to year. The Change in CAT pattern includes the areas covered, type of questions, number of questions, structure of questions etc. There can be changes even in whether in time limit for you CAT exam. Your Preparation should cover basic concepts in various areas, practice in different type of questions that appeared in various entrance exams.
CAT is one of the entrance exam for MBA that is prepared by IIM whose structure changes very rapidly as compared to any entrance exam in the world. Experts says that the competition is much tougher to get entry into IIM MBA then in any other B school MBA program like Stanford, Wharton etc.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Success Strategy for CAT
It is very important to understand what you have to leave or attempt in your IIM Cat entrance exam. Cat is the game of selection. Success depends lot upon how judiciously one is able to select the questions. It is better that you first attempt all easy question which takes less time of yours & then if you get time move to the difficult ones latter.
2: Speed:
Your speed also matters in your score in your cat exam. It’s better if you understand the basic concepts of formulas. Because many times you see that you does need the direct formula for the questions asked in your cat exam. Your basics should be strong enoughfor your CAT exam. Practice the mental calculations regularly (It saves lot of time). Try to solve the mock CAT question paper with the option given.
3: Strike Rate:
It can be improved with the help of intelligent guessing. Intelligent guessing means guessing a question you are not completely sure off, but having some idea about the question. Your objective is not to solve the question but to choose the correct option. Try to eliminate the choices. If one choice is eliminated chances of your being right is 33%.
Always remember that success for MBA aspirants has three keywords: Speed, Strike rate selection of questions. Try to improve regularly.
IIM MBA is not so far from you. Best of luck for cracking Cat!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
MBA or BBA Degree from IIPM
Do not even think about taking admission in IIPM MBA or BBA
No introduction needed for BBA or MBA programme offered by IIPM .Leading newspaper like Times of India, Hindustan times are regularly getting its full page ads asking student to "dare to dream beyond the IIMs". It claims that it has the highest international placement record in India. Some sources said Arindam, the dean of IIPM could not even pass graduation exams at first attempt. A web page of the list on www.indiabschools.com , a research agency website which compiled the list for Outlook top B- schools in India will tell us - "IIPM has been removed from ranking as we received serious complaints about the veracity of information given by them."
Some truth about IIPM
Only 50% of the students got placed in companies through the college.
Mostly jobs are of Direct Selling Agents.
Very few companies come for campus placements.
MBA degree given by IIPM not recognized by any of the university in the world!
There is no free laptop & free study tour. You have to pay for them in your fees.
NONE of IIPM MBA Student have attended lecturers by professors from foreign universities
MBA moving the World
The highest foreign salary offered to any management student in INDIA to an IIMCian is - US$ 250,000. This offer was made to two students by a leading New York investment bank . The previous record of US$ 221,000 also belonged to IIMC.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Top MBA Institutes
IIM Indian Institute of Management
IIM Indian Institute of Management
IIM Indian Institute of Management
SIBM – Symbiosis Institute of Business Management
IIM Indian Institute of Management
XLRI - Xavier Labour Relations Institute
JBIMS – Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management
IIM Indian Institute of Management
FMS – Faculity of Management Studies
IIFT – Indian Institute of Foreign Trade
IIPM - Indian Institute of Planning and Management
IIM Indian Institute of Management
ICFAI Business School
SPJIMR – S.P.Jain Institute of Management & Research
Welingkar Institute of Management
IIPM - IIPM - Indian Institute of Planning and Management
NMIMS - Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies
TISS –Tata Institute of Social Sciences
MDI - Management Development Institute
LIBA - Loyola Institute Of Business Administration
BIMTECH Birla Institute of Management and Technology
XIM - Xavier Institute of Management
BIM - Bharathidasan Institute of Management
NIM – Nirma Institute of Management
IMT – Institute of Management Technology
KJ Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research
Christ College
ABS - Amity Business School
Osmania University - Dept. of Business Management
ABA - Alliance Business Academy
Friday, August 3, 2007
One Year MBA programmes in INDIA
□ The first obvious advantage of a one-year MBA is the time that you save through one-year MBA. Saving one year means one year more of employment. Many a times your present company is willing to give you a leave of absence for one year and partially or fully fund your studies. Companies are reluctant to make that kind of commitment for two years.
□ The second obvious advantage is that you pay less fees, spend less on living expenses and lose less in terms of salary that you forgo during the time that you’re a student. For example, if you were to get admitted to Harvard or Wharton, you would spend approximately US$71 000 or $80 000 for your tuition fees alone. In sharp contrast, if you were admitted to INSEAD, IMD or IE, you would spend $54 500, $43 000 or $45 500, respectively. This may not be true for India where IIM-A fees for one-year executive MBA is nearly 8 lacs and for two-year MBA is 3-4 lacs.
□ The curricula of most one-year MBA programs are not much different from that of the two-year MBA programs so you do not lose in terms of studies. It also means that a one-year program is highly intensive.
□ It is highly suited to those who have already reached the mid management level and are planning to join the same career post MBA. These are people who want to join the work-wagon back as soon as possible and reach the higher level of hierarchy through their MBA degree.
□ Two-year MBA allows you more time for internship and network with the corporations which can land you into good jobs very often. The pace of one-year MBA does not allow time for internship. Internship into a new career is important for career changers who do not have a formal business education.
□ Two-year MBA allows you time to network with companies and your own classmates. You get more time to use your business school as a base for networking. The bonding that you form with your classmates is tremendous and serves as a lifelong network in your profession.
□ The assistance given by the business school in career development is much more in two-year MBA than in one-year MBA.
□ Two-year MBA gives you time to enhance your softer skills. You do not find this time in one-year MBA. You can associate with clubs and societies in your business school or network with your professors. You can also join language courses and become fluent in one more language in two years. These softer skills can go a long way in helping you in your career.
□ For career changers and people coming from non business background, two-year MBA is better. The longer one studies the subject the better he understands it.
As long as you understand all the facts and are able to weigh them according to your situation you will be able to make a right choice.
List of one year programs in India
One Year Post Graduate Program in Management – IIM Ahmedabad
Eligibility criteria:
(a) Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent in any discipline
(b) Minimum Age – 27 years at the start of the course
(c) Upper age limit: Non
(d) GMAT - ETS CODE: 7156
Only GMAT scores are accepted, CAT scores are not.
Deadlines for application is end June (Check IIM Ahmadabad website for more details)
No minimum grade at Bachelor's level, but a good academic record is desired.
College is targeting candidates with atleast 7 years of work experience.
Approximately 60 seats for the program
Course fee is Rs 800 000.
Loans are available from various banks such as ICICI, HDFC, SBI, Bank of India, ranging from 7.5 lacs to 10 lacs, with some banks requiring no guarantor.
Small class size enables good job placements for the candidates.
Accommodation is available for single and married students.
No scholarship is available as of now.
One Year Post Graduate Program in Management – IIM Calcutta
Eligibility criteria:
(a) Executives with graduate degree in any discipline (or equivalent qualification)
(b) At least 5 years of full time post-qualification professional experience
(c) A valid GMAT score (taken within the last 36 months at the time of application)
(d) Proficiency in English
Applications for the year 2007 – Feb 7 to May 25. (Download from http://www.iimcal.ac.in/)
Last year student's profile
Average GMAT score – 711
Minimum GMAT score – 650
Maximum GMAT score - 770
Average years of experience - 9 years 7 months
Course fee is Rs 8,00,000.
Study loan is available from SBI against some criteria.
No scholarships are available.
Total seats available – 40
Post Graduate Diploma in Management – S.P.Jain Institute of Management and Research
PGDM is a one-year full-time residential program with six months online learning as a pre foundation before joining the course.
Eligibility Criteria:
(a) Minimum 3 years of Bachelor's degree in any discipline from a recognized University in India or abroad.
(b) Work experience of 5 years after graduation. Those with 3 -5 years experience may be considered on a case-to-case basis.
(c) Candidates are required to undertake CAT/XAT/GMAT. In case the candidate has not appeared for either of these tests, s/he can opt to appear for SPJIMR test that will be held in May end 2007.
· The program fee is Rs. 553 000.
· Banks like SBI, Corporation Bank & Union Bank of India provide loan based on the offer letter given by SPJIMR. SBI is also running a Scholar Scheme, under which they are providing educational loan to SPJIMR students without any guarantor or collateral, and loan will be sanctioned on the name of the student only.
· SPJIMR does have a hostel and staying in the hostel is compulsory for all candidates. There is no provision for special housing for married candidates.
· The candidates are expected to indicate their choice of specialization at the time of application - 'Manufacturing & Operations' or 'Information Management'.
· Number of seats - 57
Link to website – www.spjimr.org
4. General Management Program For Working Executives – XLRI
Eligibility Criteria :(a) Minimum of three years Bachelor's Degree from a recognized University in India/abroad in any discipline.
(b) Employed in a full-time job, must have at least five years of relevant managerial experience as on March 31, 2007 in an organization of repute in the public, private or nongovernmental sector after completing graduation.
(c) A candidate has the option of either taking XAT 2007 or submission of GMAT Scores. Those taking XAT need to register for XAT 2007, being held on January 07, 2007 . GMAT candidates need to submit GMAT scores taken during January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2006 .
· The course fee is Rs 6,00,000.
· Work experience breakup
· Upto 4 years – 12%
· 4 to 5 – 38%
· 5 to 6 – 27%
· 6 to 8 – 10%
· > than 8 – 13%
Link to website – www.xlri.ac.in
Post Graduate Program – Indian School of Business
Eligibility Criteria:
A Bachelor’s degree
A valid GMAT Score( ETS code N2DJ501)
2 years full-time work experience after graduation
TOEFL or IELTS score only if language of instruction during undergraduate education was not English
· Average GMAT score is 706, the range is 600 - 780
· Fee for the course is USD 40,000
· Number of seats for the batch starting April 2007 – 425. (The college has been increasing the number of seats every year)
· The are two application deadlines, the 1st one is in early Oct and the 2nd one in Early Dec
· Average work experience of the students is 7 years.
· CAT scores are accepted but once a student is offered a seat he has to take the GMAT exam and score a minimum of 690 in the GMAT.
· Scholarships are awarded, one in four students receive a scholarship ranging from 1 Lacs to 14 Lacs.
· Bank loans are available which covers upto 95% of the college expense
Link to website – www.isb.edu
Post Graduate Diploma in Executive Management – IMT Ghaziabad
· Course Duration – 15 months
· Course Fee – Approximately Rs 5,00,000
Post Graduate Program- Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai
Eligibility Criteria
(a) A bachelor's degree from any recognized institute
(b) Two years of work experience, candidates with less then 2 years of work experience will be considered on case by case basis
(c) Applicants are evaluated on basis of GMAT/CAT scores.
· Fee for the course – Rs 5.6 Lacs
· The application forms open around end September and ends in January
· Academic session begins in mid April
· The school has collaboration with prestigious Yale University of USA and Nanyang Business school of Singapore
· Hostel facility is not available as of now
· Average compensation for the year 2005-06 was 7.2 Lacs
· Total number of seats – 162
Link to the website - http://www.glakes.org/academic-programs.htm
My subsequent post will talk about various programs that are available outside India . As I have taken my sweet time collecting all the information I feel I am in a good position to share a lot of it with the students at Total Gadha.