Wednesday, December 3, 2008
MBA Carrer opportunities
The job prospects for an IIM MBA student is probably better than for any other career. Most companies today recruit business graduates with an MBA qualification as they have the necessary knowledge and skills for the job ahead of them. Fresh Management graduates are usually recruited on-campus. Corporate organizations, multinationals, foreign banks, foreign financial institutions, and others attempt to woo students from the top management schools with lucrative job offers. Most of the major business schools have also initiated career placement schemes for the benefit of graduating alumni and possibly the best way of judging an institute is by the companies that visit for campus placements.
Industrial houses, manufacturing companies, business corporations, multinational companies, export or trading companies, banks and financial institutions, marketing organizations and public sector enterprises mostly recruit iim MBA for all their management positions. After an initial period of training in an organisation, the newly qualified iim MBA join as executive or assistant managers. Larger development agencies/ non-governmental organisations, and international agencies like the World Bank, UNICEF and other UN bodies, OXFAM, also prefer to recruit MBA.
In recent years, iim MBA graduates are also looking at entrepreneurial ventures, some even giving up lucrative job offers to chart their own business path. Some, after gaining some experience choose to venture into consultancy services planning marketing strategy, providing technological or other expertise, or services to other organisations. In other words, iim MBA can work anywhere, and rise to whatever level they are capable of.
While there are many students who aspire to get into management, it is important to keep in mind that all are not necessarily suited for a career in management. Managers require to have High IQ, strong analytical skills, numeracy; ability to quickly grasp changing business acumen; some entrepreneurial flair, decisiveness and high motivation and achievement orientation. Managers are team leaders, and at all levels must enthuse subordinates into carrying out tasks in a way that they themselves would wish to have done them. They are also expected to ensure that operations run smoothly in their particular field or department. Communication is also one of the most important aspects of management as managers spend 70 per cent of their time talking to people.
There is moreover a lot of scope and promise in the future with the Indian economy growing at such a fast pace, and new areas like retail, lifestyle, housing, real estate among others facing a shortage of qualified managers.So if you have what it takes, and are willing to work the 28 hours a day expected of MBA, then you know which way you are headed.
(extract from leading site)
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Why iim mba??
All of us have heard that MBA CAT is a test of Quantitative ability and Verbal ability.We can't really blame students for thinking so, but this is more because institutes inject this thought into their minds.Moreover, students believe CAT for MBA is all about 150 questions divided into three sections to be tackled in 120 minutes.
Often, we come across examples of class toppers performing badly in CAT, while an average student in the same class would have cracked CAT.
This puts forth a few questions:
1. Are B-Schools actually looking for your Quantitative and Verbal skills in the written CAT?
2. Are B-Schools looking for your communication skills in GDs and interviews?
If your answer to these questions is yes, it is time you snapped out of your hallucination and facd reality.
Most test preparatory institutes prepare you for Quantitative and Verbal skills, but forget to put an element of stress that forms the basis of written CAT.
CAT -- a few home truths
For most students, GDs and interviews mean preparation of certain macro topics and self-awareness issues.
But interviewers want to know the core of your business acumen.
GDs and interviews preparation is not a 10 to 12 session programme, but a year-long process.
They are more about sharpening your business acumen.
- Do you know something about impact of China's deliberate slowdown on Indian economy?
- Why is the Indian prime minister giving top billing to infrastructure?
- What are your thoughts on the consolidation in the Indian telecom sector? etc
If you have an idea of the above, your preparation has direction.
If not, you probably are so engrossed in your Mathematics and English that you are ignoring the real aspects of CAT preparation.
MBA: some facets
-Just having an IIM MBA degree will not help you. Dig into the reason why you want to do an MBA. Discover your core skills.
-If you are good at creativity and have an aptitude for advertising, advertising schools are a better option for you than a B-School.
-Don't get bogged down with the fat pay packages. Salary packages are just a direct function of economic growth.
If in a particular year, there is an upward economic swing, salary packages will shoot. In any recession year, even the best B-Schools in India find it tough to place their students.
Look at the placement scenario this year. The IT and ITES companies led the fray, followed by finance companies.
Old economy companies were almost out of the reckoning.
This tells us the economic growth pattern in the year to come.
Steps to an iim MBA
Remember, an MBA is a medium to reach your destination. It is not the destination.
The following points might help you build a strong foundation to your management career:
- Set a goal for yourself.
- Introspect and find out your flair.
- Shortlist the B-Schools or specialisations based on your flair.
- Start reading about management so as to get an edge over others.
- Know how to prepare for CAT. CAT iim is not only about Mathematics and Verbal skills.
- Introduce an element of stress and uncertainty at each and every step of your preparation deliberately.
- Learn to relax at the end of the day.
All the best for your MBA IIM CAT preparation and examination!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
IIM CAT tips & tricks
Here are a few tips that should fetch you a call from the best B-Schools in the country.
Tip 1: Handle pressure and uncertainty well. And reap the rewards!
Handling pressure and uncertainty is a crucial element of mba CAT. This is a vital skill that a manager requires in his/ her daily decision-making process.
The IIM CAT examination spans 120 minutes, but if you are able to handle the pressure in the first 15 and last 10 minutes, your chances to excel increase.
Some pointers to help you excel at this stage are:
- Have a flexible strategy.
- Scan your question paper for the initial three to four minutes to locate easy questions.
- Attempt your favourite section first.
- Remember CAT is just another name for uncertainty. If it ain't uncertain, it ain't CAT! This year, you might get a paper based on Reasoning. Or you might have an additional section on Reasoning.
(The above prediction is based on the increasing emphasis on Reasoning in the last decade. Also, CAT patterns/formats are revamped every five years. The last time the pattern was changed was four or five years ago.)
Tip 2: Sequence and prioritise -- your mantras for success
Sequencing and prioritising mean:
~ Deciding on the sequence in which you will attempt the various sections.
~ Allocating an approximate time to each section.
~ Prioritising questions within sections.
Deciding your sequence before entering the examination hall helps you methodically attempt CAT.
As a result, you don't shuffle between sections and lose time. Once you have scanned the paper, allocate an additional five to 10 minutes to a tough section and take out five to 10 minutes from an easy section.
Let us assume that, before entering into the hall, your strategy was:
~ Scanning: 3-4 minutes
~ Quantitative Ability: 40 minutes
~ Data Interpretation/ Data Sufficiency: 35-40 minutes
~ Verbal Ability: 40 minutes
If, say, Quantitative Ability is tough and the other two sections are comparatively easy, your changed strategy may look something like:
~ Scanning: 3-4 minutes
~ Quantitative Ability: 45-50 minutes
~ Data Interpretation/ Data Sufficiency: 30 minutes
~ Verbal Ability: 30-35 minutes
By all means, attempt your favourite section first.
Those who have taken mba CAT, though, will advise you never to attempt Quantitative Ability in the end. QA utilises your core fundamentals and formula; sometimes, they are difficult to recall under the twin pressures of time and mental fatigue.
The other two sections are primarily practise-based.
Here are some sequences you could adopt if you do not have a strategy yet:
Sequence I
1. Quantitative Ability
2. Data Interpretation/ Data Sufficiency
3. Verbal Ability
Sequence II
1. Quantitative Ability
2. Verbal Ability
3. Data Interpretation/ Data Sufficiency
Sequence III
1. Data Interpretation/ Data Sufficiency
2. Quantitative Ability
3. Verbal Ability
Sequence IV
1. Verbal Ability
2. Quantitative Ability
3. Data Interpretation/ Data Sufficiency
Tip 3: Tame mba CAT by taming each section individually
Here are some specific section-related strategies:
Quantitative Ability
Attempt questions in three rounds.
Round 1
~ Attempt all one liners.
~ Attempt all two liners.
~ Attempt all four liners.
Round 2
Come back to the leftover questions of Round 1. Under pressure, you might just have left easy questions from Round 1 unattempted. Attempt them again
Round 3
If time permits, tackle the lengthier questions on your favourite topics.
There is a second school of thought which says lengthier questions are easier.
CAT MBA verbal section
CAT Verbal Ability section tests basic grammar and your vocabulary through questions on analogies, antonyms/ synonyms, logical sequencing of paragraphs and sentence completion.
This section has approximately 50 questions in iim mba cat entrance test. It is allotted 50 marks and has to be completed in approximately 40 minutes.
This section cannot be mastered in one long cram session or within a scheduled number of days. You need to start small and then pick up fast, until the desire to know the language becomes second nature to you.
Here's how to make a start:
~ Pick up the Wren And Martin's High School English Grammar and Composition (often used in junior classes) for approximately Rs 85 to Rs 100.
Go through the chapters on nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives. Do not spend time on practising exercises; concentrate on the application of these words in sentences.
~ Get a pocket size dictionary, which truly is the best investment. Make it a point to read upto 10 to 15 words, or one page, every four hours. Don't memorise or cram.
Read complete meanings, usage and sentences. Use mnemonics; this means you create a mental image of the word.
For example, the word SUTURE means 'joining edges of a wound or incision by stitching'. You can relate this to your getting hurt and requiring stitches during an operation.
Similarly the word WARLOCK means 'sorcerer'. Make a mental picture of a wizard or magician to remember.
By the time you take the examination, make sure you have gone through the entire dictionary at least twice.
~ You will usually be tested on the application of the word, not its meaning. It is not possible to just cram and remember the approximately 5,000 odd words in any of the 'vocab lists' given to you.
~ As this is a multiple-choice type of test, you do not need to know meanings verbatim, nor exactly nor vaguely. It just pays to 'know' more words.
~ To enhance grammar skills, read books, magazines, newspapers and journals. The more you read, the better.
~ When you come across a new word, immediately check its meaning in the pocket dictionary.
Quick tips for iim mba cat
~ Don't forget you are human and have a limited capacity to learn at any given time.
-Make the study process easier by doing all preparation in small doses.
~ Plan judiciously and proceed accordingly. This is the key to success.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
B school accepting CAT scores
1. Academy of Management Studies, Bhubaneshwar
Saturday, August 9, 2008
IIM MBA CAT Important topics

IIM CAT Quantitative Section
This section was the toughest of all.
Once again, the greatest share was of Number theory.& the other major proportion is of Higher Math . Basis of last year cat format ,
Hot favourites of IIM CAT
- Number Theory
- Geometry
- Higher Math

Losing popularity
- Area/Volume questions
Friday, July 25, 2008
CAT Original question paper
Best of Luck!!!
CAT MBA Eligibility
For all IIM MBA , the minimum eligibility criterion for admission to PGP is at least a three-year Bachelor's degree or equivalent in any discipline recognized by the Association of Indian Universities as eligible for Post-Graduate Studies in Management.
Special eligibility requirements
* IIM MBA Ahmedabad
PGP (Agri-Business Management) (PGP-ABM)
Candidates should have, from an institution recognized by the Association of Indian Universities/
1. Bachelor's or Master's degree in Agriculture Sciences OR
2. a Bachelor's or Master's degree in Agriculture related disciplines OR
3. at least a three-year Bachelor's degree in any discipline, and a strong interest in Agriculture, Agro/Food Processing, Rural and Allied Sectors.
* IIM Calcutta:
Candidates can apply to more than one of the Post Graduate Programmes viz, PGDM, PGDCM and PGDBM. For Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Aided Management (PGDCM), a candidate is required to send a crossed demand draft payable in Kolkata for Rs.600/- in favour of Indian Institute of Management Calcutta along with a self-addressed envelope of size 10" x 5" between August 2 and November 1, 2008. PGDCM Application Forms and a sample paper of Aptitude Test in Mathematics (ATM) will be sent to the applicant on receipt of the demand draft. Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management (PGDBM) is a three-year evening programme. For this programme an applicant must have (i) a minimum of two years work experience (by May 31, 2008) at an Executive /Supervisory level after graduation and (ii) must be employed in a full time job at the time of admission (Details in CAT Bulletin).
**Note (for all IIM CAT MBA):
Candidates who are currently in their final year of Bachelor's degree (or its equivalent) can also apply, provided they expect to complete all their exams and other requirements for obtaining the qualifying degree before June 30, 2008. Such candidates, if selected for admission, will have to submit a certificate at the time of registration, stating that the candidate has completed all the requirements for obtaining the Bachelor's degree before June 30, 2008. This certificate has to be obtained from the HOD/ Registrar / Principal of the institution where the candidate is studying. In addition, such candidates must produce the final year marksheet and the degree certificate as proof of having satisfied the minimum eligibility requirements, by the dates specified by the respective IIMs in the CAT Bulletin.
Scholarships/Financial Assistance :
It is the endeavour of the IIMs that no student be denied opportunity to pursue the Post-Graduate Programme in Management ( MBA )for want of adequate financial resources. Substantial need-based scholarship schemes covering even up to 100% of expenses are available. (Please see the write-up on each IIM included in the CAT MBA bulletin for details).
Reservations :
As per Government of India requirement 15% and 7½% seats are reserved for SC and ST candidates. 3% seats are reserved for Persons with Disability (PWD) of which 1% each is reserved for low-vision/blindness, hearing impairment and locomotor disability/cerebral palsy.
you can refer to the particular iim website to know more.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Profit by IIM CAT forms
IIMs have raised the price of forms for general candidates by Rs200 and for SCs/STs by Rs100. The administrators of the MBA CAT examination, called the CAT group, a body consisting of admission committee chairpersons of each of the IIMs, have raised the cost of forms for so-called 'general' candidates by Rs 200 - from Rs 1,100 to Rs 1,300 - and for those belonging to the scheduled castes (SCs) and scheduled tribes (STs) by Rs 100 from Rs.550 to Rs. 650.
The profit from the sale of forms is equally distributed among the IIM after deducting the cost of organizing CAT.
Last year, the IIMs had earned around Rs24.2 crore selling these forms and spent around Rs6.2 crore for conducting the mba cat examination, making a profit of Rs18 crore
CAT MBA forms are out!!
Issue of iim mba CAT Bulletins by Axis Bank Starts
JULY 14 2008(Monday)
Issue of CAT Bulletins by Axis Bank ENDS
August 8, 2008 (Friday)
Issue of mba CAT Bulletins by IIMs ENDS
AUGUST 13,2008(Wednesday)
Last Date for receipt of completed CAT Applications by IIMs
November 16, 2008
The CAT Application Form and Bulletin can be obtained from branches of AXIS Bank listed below, between July 14 and August 8,2008 for Rs. 1300/- (Rs. 650/- for SC/ST candidates). Please note that a candidate needs to buy only one CAT Application Form irrespective of how many IIMs he/she is applying to. Candidates buying the form from Axis Banks /IIMs must enclose the 3rd Copy of Bank's/IIMs' Pay-in Slip bearing the Candidate's name with the CAT Application Form. SC/ST candidates should submit a copy of SC/ST Certificate to the Bank/IIM at the time of obtaining the iim CAT Application Form. Candidates should ensure they meet the eligibility criteria of the programme in wihich they are interested, before procuring the CAT Application Form. CAT Application Forms of ineligible candidates and application forms with incomplete information will be summarily rejected. CAT Application Forms, once sold, will not be taken back and no claims of refund of iim CAT Application Fee will be entertained. |
ANDHRA PRADESH: | Chittoor (Prakasam High Road), Hyderabad Main (Begumpet Road), Hyderabad (Kukatpally), Secunderabad (Rashtrapati House), Secunderabad (Tarnaka), Kakinada (Subhash Road), Kurnool (Railway Station Road), Vijayawada (Rajagopalachari Street), Vishakhapatnam (Dwaraka Nagar), Warangal (Station Road); |
ARUNACHAL PRADESH: | Itanagar (Teli Plaza); |
ASSAM: | Guwahati (Dispur), Jorhat (A.T. Road); |
BIHAR: | Bhagalpur (Patal Babu Road), Muzaffarpur (Club Road), Patna (Boring Road), Patna (S.P. Verma Road); |
CHATTISGARH: | Bhilai (Off. GE Road), Bilaspur (Near New Bus Stand), Korba (Power House Road), Raipur (Jeevan Bima Marg); |
DELHI | Delhi Main (Barakhamba Road), Daryaganj (Netaji Subhash Marg), Defence Colony, Greater Kailash-II, Janakpuri, Karol Bagh (Padam Singh Road), Malviya Nagar, Mayur Vihar (LSC), Paschim Vihar, Rajouri Garden (Vishal Enclave), Sector 7, Rohini (Main Road), Shakti Nagar (G.T. Kamal Road), Swasthya Vihar (Vikas Marg), Vasant Kunj (Nelson Mandela Road); |
GOA | Panaji (Dr. Atmaram Borkar Marg); |
GWABAT | Ahmedabad Main (Ellisbridge), Ahmedabad (Maninagar), Ahmedabad (Vastrapur), Baroda, (Race Course Circle - North), Bhavnagar (Waghawadi Road), Rajkot (Kalawad Road), Surat Main (Ghod Dod Road), Vallabh Vidyanagar (Near HM Patel House); |
HARYANA | Ambala Cantt. (Jagadri Road), Gurgaon (Sector-14), Faridabad (NIT), Kurukshetra (Railway Road), Panipat (GT Road), Rohtak (Delhi Road); |
HIMACHAL PRADESH | Shimla (Kasumpti); |
JHARKHAND | Dhanbad (Bank More), Jamshedpur Main (Bistupur), Jamshedpur (Sakchi), Ranchi (Main Road); |
JAMMU & KASHMIR | Jammu (Rail Head Complex); |
KARNATAKA | Bangalore Main (M.G. Road), Bangalore (J.P. Nagar), Bangalore (Jayanagar), Bangalore (Koramangala), Bangalore (Marathahalli), Bangalore (Malleswaram, Sampige Road), Bangalore (Vijaynagar, West of Chord Road), Bellary (Main Road), Belgaum (Congress Road), Davanagare (PB Road), Gulbarga (Super Market), Hubli (Deshpande Nagar), Karwar (Green Street), Mangalore (Bunts Hostel Circle), Mysore (Temple Road); |
KERALA | Kochi (Rajaji Road), Kottayam (Near YMCA), Kozhikode (YMCA Cross Road), Thiruvananthapuram (MG Road), Thrissur (City Centre); |
MADHYA PRADESH | Bhopal (MP Nagar), Gwalior (Madhavrao Scindia Marg), Indore (Main), Indore (Sapna Sangita Road), Jabalpur (Shastri Bridge Chowk), Satna (Rewa Road); |
MAHARASHTRA | Ahmednagar (Tilak Road), Amaravati (Near Jaistamb Chowk), Aurangabad (Adalat Road), Kolhapur (Station Road), Mumbai (Main Fort), Mumbai (Andheri West), Mumbai (Bandra West), Mumbai (Borivli West), Mumbai (Mulund West), Mumbai, (powai), Mumbai (Shivaji Park), Navi Mumbai (Nerul), Navi Mumbai (Vashi), Nagpur Main (Sitabuldi), Nashik (Sharanpur Road), Pune Main (J.M.Road), Pune (Camp), Pune (Kothrud), Pune (Pimpri Chinchwad), Pune (Sahakar Nagar), Thane Main (L.B.S. Marg); |
MEGHALAYA | Shillong (Jail Road); |
MIZORAM | Aizwal (Charmari); |
NAGALAND | Kohima (UT Complex), |
ORISSA | Angul (Main Road), Balasore (OT Road), Berhampur (Ganjam), Bhubaneswar (Kalpana Square), Bhubaneswar (Satyanagar), Cuttack, (Badambadi) Rourkela (Kachery Road), Sambalpur (VSS Marg); |
PUNJAB | Amritsar (Court ROad), Jalandhar (Mahavir Marg), Ludhiana Main (The Mall), Patiala (Rajwara Road); |
RAJASTHAN | Ajmer (Kutchery Road), Bikaner (Rani Bazar Road), Jaipur Main (Ashok Marg), Jaipur (Tilak Nagar), Jodhpur (Chopasni Road), Kota (Shopping Centre), Udaipur (Chetak Marg); |
SIKKIM | Gangtok (MG Road); |
TAMILNADU | Chennai Main (Mylapore), Chenmii (Adyar), Chennai (Annanagar), Chennai (Annasalai), Coimbatore (Avinashi Road), Madurai (Goods Shed Street), Salem (Omalur Main Road), Tiruchirapalli (Salai Road), Tirunelveli (East Car Street); |
TRIPURA | Agartala (HG Basak Road); |
UTTARANCHAL | Dehra Dun (Rajpur Road)" Roorkee (Civil Lines), Rudra.eur (Nalnital Road); |
UTTAR PRADESH | Agra (Sanjay Palace), Aligarh (Ramghat Road), Allahabad (MG Marg) , Bareilly (Civil Unes), Gorakhpur (Bank Road), Jhansi (Civil Lines), Kanpur (The Mall), Lucknow Main (Ashok Marg), Lucknow (Hewett Road), Lucknow (Indira Nagar), Meerut (Boundary Road), Noida (Sector 16), Noida (Sector 18), Varanasi (Shastri Nagar); |
WEST BENGAL | Burdwan (GT Road), Durgapur (City Centre), Kharagpur (Malancha Road), Kolkata Main (Shakespeare Sarani), Kolkata (Behala), Kolkata (Dalhousie Square), Kolkata (Golpark), Kolkata (Lake Town), Kolkata (Salt Lake City), Kolkata (Shf:am BaZar), Siliguri (Sevoke Road); CHANDIGARH: Chandigarh (Sector 17B), Chandigarh (Sector 34A); |
PONDICHERRY | Pondicherry (Bussy Street). |
JAMMU & KASHMIR | Srinagar (Lal Chowk); |
IIMs would not be held responsible for non-delivery or postal delays In case of CAT Application Forms and Bulletins sent by the speedl registered postIcourier anellor non-delivery or postal delays in receipt of completed CAT 2008 application ,forms
Postal Addresses:
Admissions Office, Indian Institute of Management, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad-380015 | admission@iimahd.ernet.in |
Admissions Office, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Bannerghatta Road, Bangal0re-560076 | pgpadm@iimb.ernet.in |
Admissions Office, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, DH Road, Joka, Kolkata-700104 | pgpadmission@iimcal.ac.in |
Admissions Office, Indian Institute of Management Indore, Pigdamber, Rau, Indore-453331 | pgpadmission@iimidr.ac.in |
Admissions Office, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, 11M Kozhikode Campus P.O., Kozhikode-673570 | admissions@iimk.ac.in |
Admissions Office, Indian Institute of Manag!!ment, Prabandh Nagar, Off Sitapur Road, Lucknow-226013 | admission@iiml.ac.in |
Interactive Voice Response System Numbers:
Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad | 079-26307258 |
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore | 080-26484650 |
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta | 033-24380266 |
Indian Institute of Management Indore | 0731-4058371 |
'Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode | 0495-2803005 |
Indian Institute of Management Lucknow | 0522-2736666 |
CAT Website | www.catiim.in |
Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad | www.iimahd.ernet.in |
Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore | www.iimb.ernet.in |
Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta | www.iimcal.ac.in |
Indian Institute of Management, Indore | www.iimidr.ac.in |
Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode | www.iimk.ac.in |
Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow | www.iiml.ac.in |
Sunday, July 6, 2008
IIM pattern to select students via CAT
All those of you giving CAT this year will no doubt be excited by the contents of this post. Here are the details.
a) Stage 1 shortlist: This is prepared solely on the basis of performance in CAT. You need to achieve certain minimum cut offs in each section. Of course these cut offs vary from year to year, depending on how test takers have performed as a whole.
b) Stage 2 shortlist: Here is the real bombshell. For all candidates in the first shortlist, the weighted total of five components are used to prepare a pre-GDPI rank list for calling candidates for the GDPI. These are:
(a) CAT (20%)
(b) 10th board marks (15%)
(c) 12th board marks (10%)
(d) Graduation marks (15%)
(e) Work experience or professional course (10%)
This means having a high CAT score is not enough to get an interview call to IIM B. Your past academic performance matters a hell of a lot.
Interestingly, CA is the ONLY professional course eligible for weight under the criterion 'professional course'. And the formula for work ex gives the highest score to candidates with experience of 36 months duration.
Thus the profile of the candidate most likely to get a call from IIM B is as follows:
* High CAT score, cleared all sectional cut offs
* Consistent academic performance across 10th, 12th and graduation.
* 1-3 years work experience.
It would be wrong to guess that other iim may be following the same patter for selection.
Monday, June 16, 2008
MBA coaching Centres
I can Start the never ending list of coaching centres, but i will be writing only few important cat mba institutes.
- Career Launcher
- IMS New Delhi
- Jamboree
- PT
What i would recommend for CAT Coaching is the specialised coaching like magical methods for MBA maths. mahavir jain for MBA english.So if u can manage , it is better to have seperate mba classes for seperate coaching.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
CAT E-book
" Learn from past , pratice in present , benefit in future " .
I strongly suggest all cat aspirants to have look at the last ten year question paper so that you can plan your preparation accordingly.
The best resources to prepare for cat would be
- Books
- Blogs
- Magazine
- Newsletter
- websites
- Friends
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
List of MBA institutes offering correspondence mba
New Delhi | ||
All India Management Association - | New Delhi | |
Amity School of Distance Learning, Amity University | New Delhi | info@rgtuniversity.org |
Argal College | New Delhi | argalcollegein@indiatimes.com |
Bharati Vidyapeeth's Institute of Management & Research | New Delhi | www.bharatividyapeethdistance.edu |
Delhi Institute of Management & Services | New Delhi | www.bookghar.com |
Delhi School of e-Learning | New Delhi | www.dsel.shtr.org |
Jagan Institute of Management Studies, | Delhi | www.jimsdlp.org |
Jagannath International Management School | New Delhi | www.jagannath.org |
Jamia Hamdard, Directorate of Open & Distance Learning | New Delhi | www.jamiahamdard.edu |
Maharishi University of Management & Technology | Delhi | mumt@mahaemail.com / www.mumt.com |
Management Studies Promotion Institute | New Delhi | |
Modern Institute of Management | New Delhi | nri@ndf.vsnl.net.in / www.mimedu.com |
NIILM University | New Delhi | www.niilmuniversity.org |
NIME Education | Delhi | nimeducation@yahoo.co.in |
Indian Institute of Finance | Delhi | iif@vsnl.com / www.iif.edu |
Indian Institute of Technology, Management & Health Sciences | New Delhi | www.iitmhindia.org |
Indira Gandhi National Open University | New Delhi | www.ignou.ac.in |
Institute of Business Administration and Management | New Delhi | ibamdelhimba@hotmail.com |
Rai University | New Delhi | www.ddl.raiuniversity.edu |
Rajiv Gandhi Technical University | New Delhi | info@rgtuniversity.org |
The above institutes offers distance education in delhi for mba.So if you are not able to crack iim , fms or other mba entrance and decided to work.The above mba instiutes may offer now an option to have mba through correspondence while your work.Although its is highly recommended that you should got for regular mba.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
IIM MBA group discussion weightage
1.Strength of point 40 points
2.New point 10 points
3.Building upon existing point 5 points
4.Rephrasing existing point 5 points
5.Rationale explained behind point 5 points
6.Quality of example given 5 points
7.Quality of initiative shown 5 points
8.teamwork 5 points
9.Body Language 20 points
10.Style of sitting 5 points
11.Eye contact while speaking 5 points
12. Movement of hands 5 points
13.listening style 5 points
14.Assertiveness 20 points
15.Communication Skills 20 points
16.Command over language 10 points
17.Clarity of voice 10 points
Try to improve in your communication skills as there is lot of things to see in group discussion held by iim for mba .
Selection in IIM is not an easy job my friend!!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
IIM MBA ready to accept rise in intake
THERE is some good news for Union human resource development minister Arjun Singh. Central education institutions seem prepared to take on the increases necessitated by the reservation for other backward classes, at least for the first year. This would mean that Mr Singh will be able to oversee the smooth implementation of the first phase of new regime in the last year of his current tenure as HRD minister.
The capacity addition required for implementing this massive expansion programme may present some problems in the second and third years. Of course, given that the new reservation regime is now the law of the land, the next government, too, will be honour bound to see its implementation through. The new reservation regime will require central education institutions to expand their current capacity by 54%. This expansion would accommodate the 27% quota for other backward classes and the corresponding increase in the general seats. Most of the institutions, especially the IITs, National Institutes of Technology and IIM mba have opted to increase their intake and implement the 27% quota over three years.
Providing for the increased intake would mean institutions have to hire more faculty members, provide student accommodation and facilities, and classrooms. While issues of physical infrastructure can be addressed through timely provisioning of funds, it is ensuring adequate quality faculty that could present a problem, if not in the first year, then definitely later on.
The government is keen to implement the new reservation regime from this year, that is academic year 2008-09. Institutes like the IITs, IIM mba and NITs, say that meeting the targets for the first year will not be difficult. The institutes will be able to manage with their existing infrastructure and faculty strength. IIM A director Samir Barua said, “For the first year, we have committed to a 6% increase, which would translate as 18 students. Accommodating 18 students would not be an issue.”
However, there are concerns about meeting the second and third year’s targets. “When the 54% increase is effected, we will require to add two additional classrooms, 150 room student accommodation and increase our faculty numbers. While our existing resources are enough to implement the first phase of the increase, that is 7% for year one, we will require funds to increase the phased capacity of 17% for year two and 27% in year three for iim mba ,” said IIM B director Pankaj Chandra.
Funds could well become the bottleneck that could upset the plans for smooth capacity expansion programme. Though the plans and costs for the expansion were ready by end-2006, and provisioned for in Budget 2007, no transfer of funds were possible as the Central Educational Institutions (Reservation in Admission) Act was taken up for judicial review. For the current fiscal, the Budget has provided Rs 2,522 crore for institutions under the HRD ministry. For institutes to be able to keep pace with the expansion plans necessitated by the quota rollout, the money needs to be transferred now. Sources said without the funds promised by the government for this expansion, most central institutions would find it difficult to keep pace. “We were supposed to get the money last year, but that was not possible. We need the funds now so that over the next one year we can create the requisite infrastructure and hire new faculty that will be required,” an IIT faculty said. For the three older IIM mba , the absence of promised government funds would mean exhausting their corpus. Government sources have assured that funds for the expansion will not be an issue. The OBC quota implementation is expected to cost the exchequer Rs 17,270 crore in the Eleventh Plan period.
Central universities were required to implement the 27% reservation for OBCs in the first year in arts, humanities and social sciences disciplines. For the other disciplines, it would be phased over a period of two years, extendable by one more year to a maximum of three years. The final call on their preparedness is being taken by the University Grants Commission this month.
The real area of concern for a rollout of the new reservation regime would be medical education. Eleven institutions are covered by the Act. The Moily Committee, which was charged with preparing the roadmap for this expansion, provided Rs 1,877 crore for the three-year expansion programme in medical colleges. What remains unclear is if the medical institutions will be able to smoothly effect an increase in intake in the first year itself and if so what would be its levels.
The real test of a smooth expansion programme will present itself when each of the institutions will be required to hire faculty. Already, faculty shortages plague the entire higher education system. A 54% increase in capacity would necessitate at least a 30% increase in faculty. However, the good quality faculty has been scarce. Already institutions like IIM mba seats face acute shortages.
* The new reservation regime will require central institutions to expand their current capacity by 54% in iim mba seats
* Funds may well become the bottleneck that could upset the plans for smooth capacity expansion
IIM MBA is not a easy job in INDIA!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
IIM MBA Ahmedabad selection
Personal Interview for MBA- Category-wise Short-listing Criteria and Number of Candidates
Sr No | Category | Candidates |
1 | General Category | 557 candidates whose percentile in each section was 95.6 and above, and who had an overall percentile of 99.3 and above, have been called for the Personal Interview (PI). |
2 | OBC Category | 54 candidates whose percentile in each section was 92 and above and who had an overall percentile of 98.5 and above have been called for the PI. |
3 | SC Category | All 106 candidates who met the minimum cut-off requirement were short-listed for PI. |
4 | ST Category | All 20 candidates who met the minimum cut-off requirement were short-listed for PI. |
Group Discussion (GD) / Personal Interview (PI) schedule for mba is as follows:
City Interview Center | Dates |
Ahmedabad | February 16-18, 2008 |
Bangalore | February 24-29, 2008 |
Delhi | March 08-13, 2008 |
Kolkata | March 17-18, 2008 |